Monday, December 27, 2010

An example of compassion

Paddy came home an hour earlier than usual and found his wife stark naked on the bed. When he asked why, she explained," I am protesting because I don't have any nice clothes to wear."

Paddy pulled open the closet door. "That' ridiculous," he said, "look in here. There is a yellow dress, a red dress, a print dress, a pantsuit…..Hi, Bill!" And he goes on, "A green dress…." 

This is compassion! It is compassion to his wife, it is compassion to Bill. No jealousy, no fight, just simply,"Hi, Bill How are you?" and he goes on. He never even inquires, " What are doing in my closet?" Compassion is very understanding. It is the finest understanding that is possible to man.

an extract from the book "Compassion: The Ultimate Flowering of Love" by Osho

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